


社会分業論(上) (講談社学術文庫)

社会分業論(上) (講談社学術文庫)



  • 段落のつくりかたは邦訳にしたがって
  • 文章の解釈はできるだけ英訳(コーザーが訳してるんだねえコーザーはイントロを書いているだけでした)にしたがって


The Division of Labor in Society

The Division of Labor in Society


  • This book is above all an attempt to treat the facts of moral life according to the methods of the positive sciences.


  • We do not wish to deduce morality from science, but to constitute the science of morality, which is very different. Moral facts are phenomena like any others. They consist of rules for action that are recognisable by certain distinctive characteristics. It should thus be possible to observe, describe and classify them, as well as to seek out the laws that explain them.


  • The objection will be raised regarding the existence of freedom. But if this fact really does imply the negation of any determinate law, it is an insuperable obstacle not only for the psychological and social sciences, but for all the sciences. Since human volition is always linked to some external forces, this renders determinism just as unintelligible for what lies outside us as for what resides within us.


  • Yet none disputes the possibility of the physical and biological sciences. We claim the same right for our own science. (1)
  • (1)The reproach has been made (Beudant, Le droit individuel et l'Etat, p.244) that we have at some stage characterised this question of freedom as 'subtle'. For us, the expression was in no way used scornfully. If we set this question on one side it is solely because the solution given to it, whatever that may be, cannot hinder our research.


  • Thus understood, this science is not opposed to any kind of philosophy, because it takes its stand on very different ground.


あと余計なことかもしれませんが邦訳で「道徳が〜機能をもっている」と訳されているところ、英訳だと"fulfilling a role in our life in time"で、functionではないです。原典checkしてないですが。

c' est qu' elle a une fonction dans notre vie temporelle.



  • Yet because what we propose to study is above all reality, it does not follow that we should give up the idea of improving it.


"merely speculative"とか

  • If we distinguish carefully between theoretical and practical problems it is not in order to neglect the latter category. On the contrary, it is in order to put ourselves in a position where we can better resolve them.


  • It will be objected that the method of observation lacks any rules by which to assess the facts that have been garnered. But the rule emerges from the facts themselves, as we shall have occasion to demonstrate.


  • Firstly, a state of moral health exists that science alone can competently determine and, as it is nowhere wholly attained, it is already an ideal to strive towards it.

ってのはよくわからんですね。現実の観察からはじめる、と言っていたのに、"moral health"を科学がdetermineできて、しかしどこでもそれは実現されていないから、"ideal"にすぎない、というのは……

  • But if the science of morality does not make us indifferent or resigned spectators of reality, at the same time it teaches us to treat it with the utmost caution. It imparts to us a prudently conservative disposition of mind.


  • morality for us is a system of facts that have been realised, linked to the total world system.


  • since it is solidly linked to other facts, it cannot be modified without these also being affected, and it is often very difficult to work out beforehand the end-result of this series of repercussions.


  • Finally, and above all, any fact of a vital nature - as moral facts are - cannot survive if it does not serve a purpose or correspond to some need.


  • To regulate relationships with our fellow-men there is no need to resort to any means save those that serve to regulate our relationships with things; reflective thinking, methodically applied, suffices in both cases.


Pour règler nos rapports avec les hommes, il n' est pas nècessaire de recourir à d' autres moyens que ceux qui nous servent à régler nos rapports avec les choses ; la réflexion, méthodiquement employée, suffit dans l' un et dans l' autre cas.


  • Since we feel the need to understand, or to think we understand, the reasons for our behaviour, reflective thinking was applied to morality a considerable while before morality became the object of scientific study.
  • We must rid ourselves of those ways of perceiving and judging that long habit has implanted within us.


  • But - and this is much more difficult - we must also, in Descartes' phrase, discover the perspective from which they become scientific, that is, find in them〔facts〕 some objective element which is capable of precise determination and, if possible, measurement.


  • Indeed there is only one way to create a science, and that is to dare to do so, but to do so with method.
  • we buoy ourselves up with a vain hope if we believe that the best means of preparing for the coming of a new science is first patiently to accumulate all the data it will use. For we cannot know which it will require unless we have already formed some conception of it and its needs, and consequently whether it exists.


  • The question that has been the starting point for our study has been that of the connection between the individual personality and social solidarity. How does it come about that the individual, whilst becoming more autonomous, depends ever more closely upon society? How can he become at the same time more of an individual and yet more linked to society?

