
中学生の「性」条例で規制 東京都、委員会で議論へ

共同通信) - 9月21日8時29分更新

中学卒業まで「性」規制を 都の委員会初会合で意見

共同通信) - 9月22日19時58分更新

Official Wants Law to Limit Youth Sex
Wed Sep 22, 2004 08:35 AM ET

TOKYO (Reuters) - Parents in Tokyo would be legally responsible for keeping school-aged children from having sex if the city's top law and order official gets his way.
The feasibility of such a step, proposed by Tokyo Vice Governor Yutaka Takehana, will be one of the topics discussed when a panel of experts meets on Wednesday to try to figure out how to deal with Japan's increasingly sexually active youth.

Takehana, the city's first vice governor in charge of law and order, was quoted by Kyodo news agency as saying that such a rule "would convey the determination of adult society" to prevent youth sex, even if no penalties were imposed.

A Tokyo government official acknowledged that enforcing such a law would be difficult. "If this sort of topic were to emerge at the meeting, we could not ignore it," he said.

"Certainly enforcement would be difficult," he added. "I imagine that the idea of a law will be vetoed."

The concerns behind the proposal are real, however.

The legal age of consent in Tokyo is 18.

Some 20 to 30 percent of Japanese 16-year-olds have had sex and nearly a quarter of these have four or more partners, according to Masako Kihara, an AIDS expert and associate professor at Kyoto University.

As a result, both AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases -- such as chlamydia, which can cause infertility -- are on the rise among young people.

Of new HIV cases in 2003, at least 33 percent were in people under 29.

「青少年の性行動について考える委員会」委員名簿 (敬称略・順不同)



時事通信) - 9月22日19時2分更新