
"Modernity and Self-Identity"(1991)


  • 章内の節構成
    • Ontrogical security and trust
    • Anxiety and social organisation
    • Existential question
    • Body and self
    • Motivation

shifterが登場する部分の抜粋です(1/18にちょっと足しました).52-3頁のたった2段落です.偽電図はExistential questionとして4つの問題を挙げ,その4つめである「自己同一性」の文脈でこのハナシをしてます(他の3つは,【1】存在論フレームワークの獲得,【2】時間の永遠性=主観的死,【3】他者).

An anchoring discursive feature of self-identity is the linguistic differentiation of `I/me/you' (or their equivalents).
We cannot be satisfied, however, with G. H. Mead's formulation of the I/me couplet in relation to self-identity.
In Mead's theory, the `me' is the identity - a social identity - of which the `I' becomes conscious in the course of the psychological development of the child.
The `I' is, as it were, the active, primitive will of the individual, which seizes on the `me' as the reflection of social ties.
We can agree with Mead that the infant begins to develop a self in response to the social context of its early experience.
But the I/me (and I/me/you) relation is one internal to language, not one connecting the unsocialised part of the individual (the I) to the `social self'.
`I' is a linguistic shifter, which gets its meaning from the networks of terms whereby a discursive system of subjectivity is acquired.
The ability to use `I', and other associated terms of subjectivity, is a condition for the emergence of self-awareness, but does not as such define it.
Self-identity is not a distinctive trait, or even a collection of traits, possessed by the individual.
It is the self as reflexively understood by the person in terms of her or his biography.
Identity here still presumes continuity across time and space:
but self-identity is such continuity as interpreted reflexively by the agent.
This includes the cognitive component of personhood.
To be a `person' is not just to be a reflexive actor, but to have a concept of a person (as applied both to the self and others).
What a `person' is understood to be certainly varies across cultures, although there are elements of such a notion that are common to all cultures.
The capacity to use `I' in shifting contexts, characteristic of every known culture, is the most elemental feature of reflexive conceptions of personhood.


しかし我々は、自己同一性に関するG. H. ミードのI/me対の公式化に満足できない。